Hey everyone! I am doing a little videos series this year just for the month of December. I didn't want to do Vlogmas, just because I feel like it's all vlogs. Although, there will probably be a couple thrown in to this series anyways haha. Last year I only did around 6 different ones for the #HollyDaze (which is my little title I came up with lol)! This year I am going to do my very best to get a video up every other day until Christmas, so altogether around 12 videos will be going up. This is the first time I am ever going to try my hand at a video series. I just called them that last year, but never intended for it to be an actual video series!
With that ridiculous ramble, here is my first #HollyDaze video. This one is how I color my own hair at home + how I tint my brows if I am feeling feisty haha!